The Jamul Indian Village Development Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary and instrumentality of the Jamul Indian Village of California (Tribe), owns and operates the Jamul Casino situated on federally owned land that is held in trust for the Tribe and located at 14145 Campo Road, Jamul, CA 91935 (Reservation). The Jamul Casino is operated pursuant to the Tribal-State Compact between the State of California and the Jamul Indian Village of California (Compact). Section 11 of the Compact requires that, before beginning the construction of any new “Project” (as defined in Section 2.22 of the Compact), the Tribe prepare a Tribal Environmental Impact Report (TEIR) analyzing the potentially significant off-Reservation environmental impacts of that Project. That environmental analysis is to be conducted pursuant to the process described in the Compact.
The Tribe intends to remodel its existing Casino to include a new event center and 225-room hotel (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project is a “Project” under the Compact and, therefore, requires a TEIR.
A Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a TEIR for the Proposed Project was issued on May 20, 2022. The NOP described the Proposed Project and announced the formal public scoping process which ended on June 20, 2022.
A Notice of Completion (NOC) for the Draft TEIR for the Proposed Project was issued on September 30, 2022. The NOC announced the initiation of a 45-day public comment period that closed on November 14, 2022. Comments regarding the Draft TEIR received by the Tribe during the 45-day comment period were carefully considered and evaluated in connection with preparation of the Final TEIR.
The Tribe certified the Final TEIR and filed the Notice of Completion for the Final TEIR with the State Clearinghouse on December 9, 2022.